I am 28. White. A Female. And a former Peace Corps Volunteer. I am HIV Positive. This is my story of how a few months, a few people, and a few events in Zambia changed me and my life forever. This is the story of how I contracted HIV and brought my Peace Corps Journey to a crashing halt... and how I am working now to pick up and put back together the pieces of my life as a newly diagnosed person living with HIV. This was not the journey I had originally planned... my path has traumatically and dramatically changed... but it is the one I am on now. There is no going back. There is only forward. I welcome you to follow along with me as I attempt to explore this new life ahead of me, whether you are someone from the Peace Corps community, or someone living with HIV. I welcome your comments, questions, suggestions, and opinions. Let us go forward together. To start from the beginning, click here He Gave Me More Than A Bracelet.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Send It Around the World!

I finally just counted up and organized all of the countries that I know for sure that my blog has been read in. I've been trying to keep track of this on an ongoing basis, but I know that I have missed some. Blogger only allows me to see the Top 10 viewing countries each day, and if I don't stay on top of it, they are are replaced with new ones. When this blog really exploded and was being passed all around, I have to admit I got a little overwhelmed and lost track. But, anyways, here is what I have managed to record...
    1.  Argentina
    2. Armenia
    3. Australia
    4. Austria
    5. Azerbaijan
    6. Bahamas
    7. Bangladesh
    8. Belgium
    9. Botswana
    10. Brazil
    11. Bulgaria
    12. Burkina Faso
    13. Cambodia
    14. Cameroon
    15. Canada
    16. Cape Verde
    17. Chile
    18. China
    19. Colombia
    20. Croatia
    21. Cuba
    22. Czech Republic
    23. Denmark
    24. Dominica
    25. Dominican Republic
    26. Ecuador
    27. El Salvador
    28. Ethiopia
    29. Falkland Islands
    30. Fiji
    31. France
    32. Gambia
    33. Georgia
    34. Germany
    35. Ghana
    36. Guatemala
    37. Guyana
    38. Honduras
    39. Hong Kong
    40. Iceland
    41. India
    42. Ireland
    43. Israel
    44. Istanbul
    45. Italy
    46. Japan
    47. Jordan
    48. Kenya
    49. Lebanon
    50. Lesotho
    51. Liberia
    52. Macedonia
    53. Madagascar
    54. Malawi
    55. Mali
    56. Marshall Islands
    57. Mauritius
    58. Mexico
    59. Moldova
    60. Mongolia
    61. Morocco
    62. Mozambique
    63. Namibia
    64. New Zealand
    65. Nicaragua
    66. Niger
    67. Nigeria
    68. Norway
    69. Pakistan
    70. Panama
    71. Paraguay
    72. Peru
    73. Philippines
    74. Puerto Rico
    75. Rwanda
    76. Saint Lucia
    77. Senegal
    78. Sierra Leone
    79. Singapore
    80. South Africa
    81. South Korea
    82. Spain
    83. St Vincent & Grenadines
    84. Suriname
    85. Swaziland
    86. Sweden
    87. Switzerland
    88. Tanzania
    89. Thailand
    90. Togo
    91. Trinidad & Tobago
    92. Turkey
    93. Uganda
    94. Ukraine
    95. United Arab Emirates
    96. United Kingdom
    97. United States
    98. Venezuela
    99. Vietnam
    100. Zambia
    (List Updated On: March 20, 2012)

    I am so happy that people have found this blog to be both helpful and interesting. Please keep passing it along. HIV needs to be talked about more. People need to be aware of and educated about it. I will do my best to keep up with it, and keep bringing you useful information.

    P.S. If you are reading this blog in a country not shown on my list, please let me know. Thanks!


    1. My brother is a PCV serving in Cameroon. He was the one who introduced me to your blog so you can definitely add Cameroon to that list!

    2. We lived in Botswana for 5 years & met a Peace Corps couple (through a common friend in another country!) & got to know them pretty well. We enjoyed our conversations whenever they visited the capital & crashed at our place & we even visited them at their site. We are still in touch after we left Bots in 2010 & they in 2011. I enjoy reading the PC Bots journals as it reminds me that we only saw a glimpse of life in Bots as we were in the capital, but you guys in PC see the 'real' Bots!

      So just to let you know that your blog is being read in Mauritius & we wish you all the best - your blog has been most informative to say the least!

    3. You have active PCV readers here in the Philippines, thinking of you!

    4. I'm reading from New Zealand (though I'm originally from Florida!)
